The rotary straw crusher machine is a crucial tool in biomass processing, designed to efficiently crush large straws for biomass utilization. Its robust rotary mechanism effectively breaks down substantial straws, making them suitable for energy production, composting, and industrial processes.

Powered by a strong motor, it adapts to various straw sizes, prioritizing operator safety with integrated guards and protection. Its durability suits the demanding nature of biomass crushing, finding applications in bioenergy, agriculture, and more.

In essence, this machine enhances sustainable biomass resource utilization and industrial efficiency.

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Power & Capacity

Model Power (HP) Capacity (Kg/hr)
SRE-RG30 220 800 - 1500
SRE-RG50 245 1500 - 2500

Input Raw Material

Biomass: Any suitable
Shape: Straw, Straw, Bale
Size: Variable
Output: upto 50 mm
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